THANKS MY FRIENDS 😉 - some comments
Stunning video clips Mike!! Your work truly is Amazing and Powerful!! Congratulations on a Very deserving Feature!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace, syl
Damn! Speechless again! WOW!
CRAZY - And this - holy cow've captured the movement and the character soooooo perfectly!!
WOW - 12.000 clicks on your art-channel in 5 month - you are a amazing great artist - thanks for show
Oh, Mike, your art is sooooo beautiful! Love it, love it, love it! 🙂
This is where I started crying in the video Mike - not that the rest hadn't moved me deeply - but for some reason this image just opened the tear ducts. Beautifully rendered and interpreted!!
What power and intensity!!! Fantastic!
Really incredible gallery man, I especially dig how much heart meaning and effort you put into every piece
Fantastic style and energy to your work! Love it! ^^
Hi - your work is incrediblE!!!!!
Exceptional work my dear friend.
The faculty of imagining ~ sheer theatre of mind in vibrant performance
Gorgeous Gorgeous work!!!! Your Gallery is Truly beautiful Mike!!!!! peace and smiles
hi mike,mit deiner ausgereiften technik und malkunst wird jedes deiner großartigen kunstwerk zu etwas besonderen, gefällt mir sehr, lieben gruß hans
Na bitte, kaum hier und schon strömen die Besucher vor Deinen Bildern. Im Ernst. Du hast eine tolle Sammlung interessanter Werke. Ich finde es immer großartig, wenn jemand seinen Stil gefunden hat und damit auch einen Wiedererkennungswert schafft. Ich finde diese Scratch-Technik großartig.
Welcome Mike und Grüße aus Frankfurt
Hallo Mike, - Sehr kraftvoll. Tolle Galerie. Viele Grüße A...
Spectacular Mike - you are such an original artist!!
Your work is always so poignant and meaningful Mike.
I must say Mike, you have a very unique painting style going on can't say that I have ever seen this type of scratch painterly texture before... very nice like aged fine wine...!
You are my all time favorite Mike - this is incredible art!
Hi there! Your work is so expressive and contains such wonderful energy to it. Keep up the great work!
Love your magic painting artworks, Mike - Best wishes from the Baltic Sea, José
Your work is very unique and very creative! I really like the way you use of color to accentuate the black and white images! Your work has so much movement as if the subjects will walk of the page. Very exciting!
Dear Mike- amazing work!! Brings it all back...
Such powerful and stunning work!!!
Outstanding, powerful art
Another strong piece.
This is just tremendously meaningful to me Mike - it's a subject very close and dear to my heart and I find myself including some reference to this virtue in almost everything I write. Incredibly well interpreted here.
My favorite of your countless incredible works thus far my friend. It captures the burden that is placed on the human body and soul by the very pollutants that make this life possible. We are all guilty of doing this to ourselves as this comment is created on a machine that is the ultimate expression of an industrialized society. . .the moral paradox is nearly unbearable.
You have power and a great style
Your work always moves me. So intense. Thank you for sharing. X
Powerful - as all your work is Mike - but this one is almost depressing with its truth. Amazing work.
great movement and texture, you can feel the energy. Continue to push.
Wow - that makes a strong statement doesn't it? Powerful and dramatic piece Mike.
You are amazing dear Mike!!
Powerful!!So full of emotion.!!
Very meaningful and well done!!
Great, strong work!
dynamic tension, art that speaks, powerful images!!!!
An outstanding beautiful artwork with a great titles
I can only say: awwwwwwwwwww ..... I loooooooooooove this. If you were here, I'd hug you 🙂
Great artwork!
Very impressive works, very moving ....
Truly amazing and beautiful - i just adore your paintings Mike!
Instant fav. Every time I am amazed how you capture these emotions so well! wow wow wow
Excellent Mike, as usual!!
Excellent, beautiful art.
I don't know how you do it, but you really move me with these magical paintings! X
Wow! Mike esa es increible, me encanta.
You have powerful art here to show!
hey man. your work is pretty awesome!!!!!.
hi mike, your work is excellent really like it my friend.